The Kenya Electricity Generating Company is set to benefit from its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects further giving impetus to the company’s efforts to combat climate change.
This follows the issuance of additional 309,495 Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) for the organisation’s Olkaria II CDM Project by the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), bringing the total amount of issued carbon credits to 550,981.
Speaking on the issuance of the CERs, KenGen Managing Director and CEO Rebecca Miano said climate change has become one of the biggest global environmental challenges and has created an urgent need for mitigating against its effects.
“KenGen has a dedicated team to spearhead environmental sustainability and contribute to the reduction of the effects of climate change. So far, we have developed and registered six CDM projects comprising of Olkaria II Geothermal Expansion Project, Redevelopment of Tana Hydro Power Station Project, Optimisation of Kiambere Hydro Power Project, Olkaria IV Geothermal Project, Olkaria I Units 4 and 5 Geothermal Project, and Ngong Wind,” she said.
She added that these projects contribute to off-setting on an annual basis 1.5 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide (C02) equivalent annually.
Out of this, 550,981 Tonnes of CO2 have already been issued by the UNFCCC and are now available for sale.
The sale process has been initiated as guided by the applicable disposal laws and regulations for the public sector organisations.
The CDM projects contribute to national sustainable development by providing clean energy which ensures improved environmental quality, positive health impacts, and increased productivity.